Juan Manuel Adones Rodríguez

Videogame Developer


TMB (Barcelona subway) worked with Save Games Studio (the company where I was working) to develop simulator in wicth new workers can tests metro maintenance tasks to train themselves without the need to run unnecessary hazards on real rails: rail change tests, opening control doors, checking for electrical errors or dangerous elements on the rails... A series of exercises so that new workers have a basis knowledge before working in real situations.

For this project, Unity and the VRTK tool were used and was made for Oculus Quest I mainly took care of creating new exercises and navigation menus, in addition to fixing existing bugs and adding explanatory tutorials for how to navigate the environment and complete the exercises. I often exposed the advances to the client through weekly meetings.

It was presented at the exhibition in Barcelona where the complete simulation could be tested.

More info here:

Save Games Studio Site <--

TMB Site <--

8/2023 Version 2.1