Juan Manuel Adones Rodríguez

Videogame Developer

Tenebris Pictura

Tenebris Pictura is a mystery game atractive for its puzzles and a combat that is improving a lot throughout the game, lasts approximately 8 hours, a couple more hours if you’re looking for 100% of the game.

For its testing I focused on taking possible exits from the map handling different configurations and possible ways to skip puzzles without looking for the correct solution of the level. I reported and recorded everything I saw, besides trying to replicate and look for the exact origin of the bug. The testing period was a maximum of 20 hours and I had the opportunity to perform 2, one on PC and one for PS4 version.

The communication with the team was excellent and the game was polished to have the most fluid and complete experience possible.

You can buy it here:

Tenebris Pictura <--

8/2023 Version 2.1